Creative Elixir One-on-One

8 in stock

I believe we are on this planet only once. That right now is the chance, the opportunity you have to create a life that fills you with joy, passion and creativity. If you have been waiting for the right moment to make a change, I can help you get there. This is the magic potion you have been looking for.

Working one-on-one via regular 45 minute coaching sessions we'll get strategic and work through your specific challenges, hurdles and problems so you have a clear plan of action on how to move forward.

I'll be your personal business, money and mindset coach, working with you to get your creative business on the right track to grow and earn you a living and a beautiful life. I'll be here to hold you accountable, so you do the important things first, rather than living behind your fear of failing. Meticulous Ink is my proof that it can work. I've made the climb and it's time to lift you up. Let's work together to get you on the right path.

• 45 minute private coaching sessions held via Zoom.

• Clear summary of each call, what was discussed and outcomes from each session.

• Practical action steps and homework to complete after each call.

• Accountability to achieve those goals thanks to this certified business coach.

• A cheerleader in your corner to get you through that negative self-talk and to boost your confidence.

• Access to my 15+ years of experience, creative business knowledge and connections.

• A plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

There are three session packages available:

Two Sessions - perfect if you are curious to how coaching works, have never tried it before, or have a very specific challenge you'd like to work through.

Four Sessions - great for significant changes and a more impactful transformation, you'll leave with a more focused plan of action.

Eight Sessions - if you are really serious about long term change and know you have a lot to work through, this option will get you focused on completing each step and you'll see major change.

Finally, the Annual Coaching Plan includes as many coaching sessions as you'd like over the course of a year, direct WhatsApp access to me for immediate updates and problem solving, quarterly check-ins and one in-person afternoon to work on your business face to face anywhere in the UK.